Student Activity Funds (SAF)
Student Activity Funds are agency funds that are received and held in trust by the District for student organizations or clubs to be expended in accordance with the direction from the officers of the organization. Student Activity resources are accumulated from school-approved fundraising activities. Funds generated by a student organization or club shall be disbursed only for that organization's activities.
Upon dissolution of any agency fund organization, the principal or department head shall ensure that all liabilities of the group are liquidated. Any balance remaining upon dissolution shall be transferred to any other Student or Campus Activity Funds as designated by the outgoing officers of the dissolved organization. If no such designation is made, any remaining balance shall be transferred to the school's Campus Activity Principal's Fund. Senior Class money will be transferred to the next year senior class.
Student Funds = Club Funds = Agency Funds:
• Belong to various student groups; not to the campus or district
• Monies raised and collected by students through school-approved fundraising activities, club dues, or donations
• Support the activities of student-led organizations or clubs in which students participate, manage and direct the organization’s activities
• Spending decisions rest "solely" with the students
• Written approval of the student organization’s president or treasurer is required for all expenditures and transfers from the group’s account.
• Bona fide class, club or student groups must have elected officers and hold meetings (in order to qualify for tax free days)
• Each student group, club and class must prepare a “Club/Organizations Officers” form, identifying all officers of the group/club/organization. The original of the form must be provided to the school’s secretary/cashier.
• Purchases from Student Funds (865) are not subject to purchasing & bid laws
Bona Fide Chapter:
According to the State Comptroller's office a bona fide chapter is a group that must be organized for some business or activity other than instruction or a participatory group. Any student group that is recognized by the school and is organized by electing officers, holding meetings, and conducting business are bona fide chapters of the school and each group may have two, one-day, tax-free sales in a calendar year. Groups meeting for classroom instruction or team sports are not categorized as bona fide chapters and do not qualify for the tax-free day sales.