Arrival and Dismissal

  • Arrival: 7:45 AM

    Dismissal: 3:15 PM

Dismissal Procedures

  • Students will be systematically dismissed from the building as either Car Riders, Parent Pick-up (held for pickup), Walkers (walking home), Daycare or Bus Riders.

    Each student that is a car rider or held for parent pick-up will be assigned a number that corresponds with the number that will be placed on the student’s backpack. Other dismissal areas (bus, walkers, and day care) will not be issued a number card.

    Car Riders

    Numbers 1-699: These students will be dismissed from the front of the building. Vehicles will form two lines in the front drive. 

    Numbers 700-799: These students will be dismissed from the cafeteria (west side of the building). Vehicles will form one line. Please watch out for daycare vans and buses. 

    We ask that parents please remain in their vehicles.

    Parents will display the number card in the front windshield of the vehicle and pick up the student. As the vehicles reach the front of the lines, a staff member will communicate the number displayed in the car to another member of the staff who will then locate the student(s) and direct them to the appropriate vehicle. In order to keep traffic flowing smoothly, we ask that parents please remain in their vehicles. If you need to come inside the building, please park in the front parking lot. The lines will need to keep moving and parents that do not have their number posted in their vehicle will need to park in the front parking lot and come in to the main office in order to pick up their child.

    Parent Pick-Up (held for pick-up)
    Students who are held for parent pick-up will be dismissed by the playground doors. Parents will walk up to the doors and present their number card to staff and pick up their child. At dismissal, parents who are walking up to pick up walkers will form two lines outside the doors by the 3rd grade hallway by the playground. The left line will be for parents who are picking up more than one student, such as siblings, friends, cousins, etc. The line on the right will be for parents who will pick up only one (1) student. As parents reach the front of the lines, please give the walker number card to the staff members and they will locate the student(s) and escort them to you. Parents should have received their number cards at the Proof of Residency Event or can receive them at Meet the Teacher Night in the cafeteria.

    Daycare Riders
    Students who ride a daycare shuttle are gathered in the gym.

    Bus Riders
    Students who ride the school bus home are gathered in the cafeteria.

    Walkers (walking home)
    Walkers that walk home on their own will be released from the east side of the building by the playground. Roll is called to ensure all students get to their right destination. If you are picking up your child either in a motor vehicle or in person, please come to the office and get a dismissal number and pick your child up in the front of the school in your motor vehicle or at the parent pick up area.

    Picking up your child early?
    Students will NOT be called to the office before you arrive to pick up, or between 3:00 PM and 3:15 PM. If you need your child early, please arrive prior to 3:00 PM. Please let teachers and the front office know ahead of time if possible.