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  • Dear valued community member, parent, student, teacher, colleague and district staff,

    Over the last semester, we have engaged in a districtwide interactive process of Reflective & Collaborative Practices. We communicated with stakeholders from various levels across the district to obtain feedback. These opportunities included face-to-face meetings as well as surveys. 

    The feedback we received has shaped our path forward. You will see a new vision, mission, guiding principles and priorities. As these were created by members of TEAM Irving, they are what we will live by.

    We will continue to reflect and work collaboratively together to achieve our goals and focus on improvement efforts. Our Reflective & Collaborative Practices will continue on a regular basis.  Goals, metrics and tasks will be realized as the work continues and is broadly communicated.  

    I look forward to working with you as we continue to make decisions which result in Irving ISD being the BEST school district in the nation.   


    Magda Hernandez
    Superintendent of Schools


  • Mission

    We empower today to excel tomorrow.


    To become the premier district for educational excellence, fostering the full potential of students and empowering educators.

    District Goals

    Goal 1

    In Irving ISD, each student will reach their highest potential and be college and career ready.

    • Sub Goal 1: In Irving ISD, we will increase the percentage of 3rd-grade students who score Meets Grade Level or above on STAAR Reading from 26.7% to 39% by June 2024.
    • Sub Goal 2: In Irving ISD, we will increase the percentage of 3rd-grade students who score Meets Grade Level or above on STAAR Math from 20.4% to 49% by June 2024.
    • Sub Goal 3: In Irving ISD, we will increase overall CCMR Meets from 60% to 65% by 2024               

    Goal 2

    In Irving ISD, we will increase parent and community engagement in the city of Irving.

    Goal 3

    In Irving ISD, we will provide state-of-the-art facilities that rethink the present design of education for all students.