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23-24 Annual Compliance Training

  • There are statutory courses for all Texas public school employees. The following sessions satisfy local, state and federal requirements for teachers, administrators, and other district staff members.

    ALL Irving ISD employees must complete the 5 annual compliance courses by October 13*. Employees hired after October 13 have 3 weeks from their date of hire to complete this training.

    Click any of the links below in red to navigate directly to that course in Eduphoria Strive.

    Employees should direct questions and requests for further clarification to their immediate supervisor.

23-24 T-TESS Training

  • T-TESS Training must be completed by employees evaluated using the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) by September 1*. Employees hired after September 1 have 3 weeks from their date of hire to complete this training.

    Click either of the links below in red to navigate directly to that course in Eduphoria Strive.  



    23-24 T-TESS Orientation

    The T-TESS Orientation course is designed for teachers who have not been trained in the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS). 

    23-24 T-TESS Refresher

    The T-TESS Refresher course is designed for teachers who have been trained in the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) and previously completed T-TESS Orientation.


23-24 Required Training FAQ

  • When and where can I access the required annual training?

  • Who must complete the annual compliance training?

  • What is the deadline for completing the annual compliance training?

  • Who must complete T-TESS training?

  • What is the deadline for completing T-TESS teacher training?

  • Should I complete the eCourse during or outside of contract days and times?

  • What type of credit is earned by completing the compliance courses?

  • How do I register for and complete an Eduphoria eCourse? 

  • Do I need to complete the eCourse in one sitting or can I save my work and return later?

  • How do I know I have completed each chapter in the eCourse?

  • How do I request credit after completing the annual compliance eCourse?